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My copy of "The Smoke Ring" is a Paperback Science Fiction book (set in the The State universe), written by Larry Niven.


Ballantine Books
New York, New York


Synopsis  Sequel to “The Integral Trees”, follows the adventures of the inhabitants of "Citizens Tree" (settled at the end of “The Integral Trees” as they discover and investigate "The Admiralty", a group that has settled about "The Clump" (as the L4 area is known).  
Characters  Sharls Davis Kendy; Captain Dennis Quinn; Claire Dalton; Sharon Levoy; Sam Goldblatt; Gavving (Citizen); Clave (Citizen); Jeffer (Citizens' co-Scientist); Lawri (Citizens' co-Scientist); Mark; Rather; Ryllin; Booce; Sectry Murphy  
Keys  “Kendy for the State. Kendy for the State. Kendy for the State.”; ship Discipline; CARM (= Cargo and Repair Module); citizen, corpsicle (degenerate: copsik); Checker; Levoy's Star (aka Voy); Goldblatt's World (aka Gold); The Scientist; Prikazyvat; “East takes you Out. Out takes you West. West takes you In. In takes you East. Port and Starboard bring you back.”; Chairman; Admiralty; Mutiny;  

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And finally, a random note:
When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather and not kicking and screaming like the passengers in his car.